This is what I start most texts, emails, or greetings with when I chat with one of my very best friends. Truth be told, I have no idea why we’re still friends, in that he scolds me on a regular basis. Today when I divulged a little nugget to him it was, “Oh god.”
He’s from the South. A little Southern bell. Polite, those people. All except this one.
The other scold today came in the form of this question: “Are you ever gonna write again?” So I sent him a link to another blog which will commence on February 13th and have daily entries through April 26th. He read it. I got no response until I inquired.
Yeah, I read it.
Good concept?
That is “public” Beth. I miss the side you show on your personal blog.
You just miss ME.
I do miss you!
It’s almost 10:00, dude. I’m boxing at 4:30 tomorrow morning. The race is in 18 days. Liv is upstairs in my bathroom (renovated hers for her B-day) jamming to One Direction. I got nothin’ and I need some sleep. I know you’ll understand because not only do you miss me, you love me! I promise to write more on this blog and also come visit soon.
Damn, you’re high maintenance. Friggin’ southerner.