There is a categorical difference between having ears and having ears “to hear.” What are you hearing? What is the story you’ve been telling yourself – about yourself? There is joy and peace in not only knowing who you truly are, but in believing it. Christians are not the only group of people who wonder who they truly are. You are not alone. You’ve never been and you never will be because you have the God of hope living inside you and guiding you along on your journey. Sure, our journeys are jacked up sometimes…but reading the Bible is not supposed to make you feel condemned about that.. It is supposed to remind you that you are loved, you matter, and this thing called life? It’s worth it. Listen in to be inspired to KEEP SHOWING UP

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Download Your Free Assessment and Guidebook Now: How to Show Up and Be Who You are Meant to Be and Make Better Decisions TODAY

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• Performance-based acceptance and workaholism quiz
• Actionable, Guided Coaching Exercises designed to help you escape the labels, guilt & barriers
• "New ways" of deconstructing and ditching false narratives so you can show up every day in meaningful ways with impact and influence

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