February 25.
Late afternoon tomorrow, Indiana News Center is meeting Greyson, Dana, and me at Lucky Harley-Davidson (LHD) to shoot a commercial for “the ride.” LHD is fantastic. The people who work there are truly astounding and continue to leave me speechless (which I think was secretly an underlying goal of theirs after I spoke at a Chapter Meeting earlier in the month…).
LHD’s first ride of the season is happening on Saturday, March 16th. Greyson will be there, as all proceeds from this ride are coming back to the campaign in his honor. In fact the General Manager, Scott Wyman (Scotty to his fellow compadres), told Jen Alia as we were leaving the Chapter Meeting that they will proudly be supporting LLS henceforth. Meaning, every year after these remaining nine weeks conclude, Lucky Harley-Davidson will be donating money for cancer research to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. How cool is that?
Let me tell you (quickly, promise) how this all came about. In January, on a dreary Friday afternoon, I was lunching with Jen, Stacy, and Angela at Bandido’s. No margaritas. Angela had the brilliant idea that we should inquire with LHD since they are a tight-knit loving and philanthropic community. I hadn’t slept well the night before so I’m rolling that day with some hot mess hair and my black leather jacket (office day, don’t judge). So of course it should be me that goes in after lunch. Angela selfishly loves when her ideas also turn into entertainment at my expense.
Prior to that day, I knew exactly 2.5 Harley riders. I walked in armed with my story, my fliers, and my request. Joshua was behind the main counter – super sweet and possibly super scared for a brief moment as soon as he realized I wasn’t taking no for an answer – and after listening to my plea, said “Um, you probably should speak to our GM.” Side note: Hey Joshua, that buck you passed I am totally taking.
Good plan, I thought. As I’m waiting for this stranger of a GM to come out and talk with me, I’m checking out the merchandise and hear another strange voice from behind say, “Beth? Beth Schrader is that YOU?!” Now this could go a lot of ways. 2.5 riders, may I remind you. I turn around, this guy clearly knows me, but I cannot place him. He’s decked out, head to toe, in gear with a huge and warm smile on his face, waiting for some semblance of reciprocity from yours truly.
Yes, yes it IS me…but help me, I can’t quite remember you!
Duh, darlin’. Steve Cobb!
Steve is one of my customers from forever ago so I hadn’t seen him in at least 5 years. Everything is well in their software world, so there was no reason we should have seen each other…
Until that day. In the Lucky Harley-Davidson shop. And the rest as they say, is history.
Here’s to trying to make some in 61 Days.