Gwendolyn Bork died when she was 18 and then awoke in ICU where she stayed for over a month recovering. What she has never recovered from, though, is what God told her then–and continues to teach her now. From leaving home at 15 and enduring physical abuse and trauma, to being raised by a single dad who was a Captain in the Army turned law enforcement official who died in active duty 5 years ago–Gwen has been through some pretty unimaginable things, yet continues to persevere and live remorselessly.
Join us on this episode to learn more about how finally giving up control leads you to an incredible life you never saw coming.  

Gwendolyn Bork is a recording artist, author, speaker, and Founder and CEO of Queen City Collaborative. She had a story and went after her legacy. After rising like a phoenix from poverty and harsh hidden agendas from the world, she made the choice for independence at age 15–leaving home and never turning back. She has over 20 years in Business Development, Consulting, Wealth Management, and Community Development. A single mom to two teenage boys, Gwen is mostly just cool and cares about giving back to her community in New York…and the world. You can find it here:

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