Beth’s Blog



I've been blogging since 2012.

It’s no coincidence that’s less than a year after my second divorce, and what I thought was the end of my goal-oriented life. I write about unifying life experiences—often the stuff people think but don’t say out loud.

You will find posts on both overcoming traumatic events and achieving goals including the following topics:

      • divorce
      • having cancer (leukemia) and a Bone Marrow Transplant
      • mom/daughter dynamics
      • raising a teenager
      • single-parenting
      • dating as an almost 40-year-old (not) virgin
      • Christianity
      • becoming an avid marathoner
      • and empty-nesting.

Oh…and I write a lot about leadership, career development, corporate culture and USING YOUR VOICE in the workplace. #changeyourtone.

Latest on the blog

It’s Never Too Late to Overcome

I have the privilege of interviewing guests at the mission regularly. Understandably, not everyone who comes through a journey of homelessness wants to share their story. Not everyone is ready. Not everyone is an extroverted proponent of public consumption. You know,...

Leaving a Family Legacy: How One Family Turned Tragedy, Triumph, and Organ Donation Into Saving Lives

What happens when one mother loses her only son in a car accident when he himself was on his way to the funeral of someone he loved? The circle of life is both brutal…and beautiful.

Living Authentically & Making Good Decisions

“Maybe he or she will love me more” more if I just do more. This formula never holds true. It becomes a transactional relationship when you think like this, a way to maintain a false semblance of control. Very often, this way of thinking begins in the church. If I just don’t sin (as much), then God will love me.

International Women’s Day: Choosing to Challenge

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for advancing gender parity. Significant energy is felt worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's...

Forever Changed: Traversing Through Life Together

Recently I was asked to be a recurring freelance writer for a national magazine publication called TransplantNation. There was no way I was saying no to that. None. I am an ardent believer in using our past experiences, particularly the painful ones, to help others...

Mid-life Morning Musings

I was sitting in a study room at a Library, wondering if I had made a mistake, when I overheard a loud and aggravating voice seeping through the thin walls. Yeah, so that line is maybe going to be the opening one for a short story contest I am maybe going to enter if I […]

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When to shut up and when not to: why action trumps both

Reminder before you read this: I like people. Sometimes words leave my mouth so fast there’s no way to stop them.  They are like a tsunami; the deeper the water, the faster they go. I’ve gotten to the point in my life that I realize a) admission is the first step, and b) it’s not […]

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No Thank You

Yesterday I  read more motivational quotes than I can shake a stick at, listened to podcasts while spending 10+ hours on the road taking my one and only daughter back to college, counted how many books I have laying around the house half-read (twelve), practiced my keynote speech for a thing next month (if it’s […]

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On being separately together.

We go out in pace groups on long runs every Saturday morning.  The person in charge of the whole training program gathers at the front of what seems like an enormous heard of people who have been held captive in a 2×3 prison cell for each of their entire lives, grabs the megaphone and starts […]

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A quick hating on Facebook observation

I’m starting to wonder if millennials are smarter than the rest of us.  Part of me says this in jest, in that I birthed one and, of course, recognize that parents are always smarter than their kids.  More life, more experience – must be smarter. Yet the other part of me seriously wonders.  My daughter […]

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The Ties That Bind

For the last month, I’ve been training harder than I ever have before for a marathon.  When people ask me if I was a runner when I was younger, my answer is always the same: I ran cross country and track in High School but that was it. Not only was it remarkably less miles […]

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It’s Messy: Churches, Life, the Whole Shebang.

“I was a mess.” Present company included, how many of us have said that exact phrase in retrospect at one time or another (it’s rhetorical, so no question mark needed here).  Yet I often wonder when we deem ourselves officially un-messy and on the other side, how many of us stop and contemplate what got […]

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7 Reasons Why This is Not Our Church

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted, which means more than a few things have gone on: the end of a school year for two (now) high-schoolers, the beginning of a Missions Trip for one college girl, the official end of my Masters “career” (I had a few detours), one nasty ACL surgery, and […]

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Gimme a Break: Taking a rest on a “Sunday”

It feels like a Sunday today, not Monday. Holiday weekends always do that to us. It’s like our brains know we are going to have one extra day, so we live on Sunday like it’s Saturday and today we live like it’s Sunday. Living like it’s Sunday means a wide variety of things for each […]

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Download Your Free Assessment and Guidebook Now: How to Show Up and Be Who You are Meant to Be and Make Better Decisions TODAY

This short and powerful document will help you uncover your true self and tackle decision-making authentically and/or in the midst of adversity. It's available now as a FREE download

• Performance-based acceptance and workaholism quiz
• Actionable, Guided Coaching Exercises designed to help you escape the labels, guilt & barriers
• "New ways" of deconstructing and ditching false narratives so you can show up every day in meaningful ways with impact and influence

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