Beth’s Blog
I've been blogging since 2012.
It’s no coincidence that’s less than a year after my second divorce, and what I thought was the end of my goal-oriented life. I write about unifying life experiences—often the stuff people think but don’t say out loud.
You will find posts on both overcoming traumatic events and achieving goals including the following topics:
- divorce
- having cancer (leukemia) and a Bone Marrow Transplant
- mom/daughter dynamics
- raising a teenager
- single-parenting
- dating as an almost 40-year-old (not) virgin
- Christianity
- becoming an avid marathoner
- and empty-nesting.
Oh…and I write a lot about leadership, career development, corporate culture and USING YOUR VOICE in the workplace. #changeyourtone.

Latest on the blog
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘what are you doing for others’?”
I’ll never forget the day I heard the words: “It’s leukemia.” It’s a weird thing – trying to move on from something so life changing yet, respecting the experience so much that you feel guilty ever fully forgetting about it. The truth is, you never forget about it. You just choose how to deal with […]
2019: Just Do It
I might as well be like everyone else. Well, at least for today. — It’s still close enough to the start of a new year to start a new thing – or, in this case – to uplift and old thing. Why is it that when we categorically know what it is that we should […]
Pre-Marathon I am awake instead of sleeping musings
For a girl who always “does,” I feel stuck. I am 45 years-old and in a state of mental panic. It’s weird, because when I was 21 and just out of college, the same mental panic consumed me. But it was much more pressing, more real. At 21, I had no money, no life lived. […]
Cinque Terre Day 2: Hiking from Manarola to Corniglia
Monday morning we had a scheduled hiking tour. How did I know how to pick it, you ask? Solely on the basis of the name: “Climb the Stairway to Wine Heaven.” We took the 8:37am train from Vernazza to Manarola and met the group, led by a guy who I immediately knew was from the […]
Cinque Terre Day 1: Vernazza and Manarola
I knew the train ride from Venice to the coast would be long – and it was. I’ve never gone by train anywhere that I can remember, least of all in Europe. It’s pretty crazy. The station in Venice is nice, but it is jam packed. We finally found the right platform after walking around […]
Venice Day 3
We are sitting outside of our hotel enjoying coffee and breakfast, waiting to walk 500 meters to board the vaporetto (water taxi) to the train station. From there, we ride almost 5 hours to Cinque Terre! We learned yesterday that Venice hosts 30 million visitors every year and I’m pretty sure 29.98 million of them […]
Venice Day 2
I spent yesterday (Friday) familiarizing myself with this crazy place called Venice. By the time Liv arrived at 4:30, I had at least figured out how to get to San Marco (St. Mark’s Basilica) and to the place with the least expensive Prosecco. Additionally, I am about 90% certain that we won’t get lost on […]
Venice Day 1
Traveling is fun. And, exhausting. But mostly, traveling does one main thing for me: confirms my view that people are people…no matter where you are. No matter the language being spoken, the god(s) worshipped, the backgrounds and upbringings an individual goes through and forever remembers – people are people. It didn’t even take me getting […]
I’m Off to Italy!
“Yay! Guess who’s on her way to see you?” “Yep! Text me once you land in Italy, have a safe flight!” This text exchange is one I would have never in a million years thought I would be having with my now adult daughter – the one who has been in Europe the last six […]